Infinity Scarf Cuddle® Kit
Bellybands (100 Count Pack)

We now have the supplies you need to make your own Infinity Scarf Cuddle® Kits. Beautifully branded with Shannon Fabrics' recognizable logo and font, you can assure your customers they are receiving the quality product they have come to know and love with our Infinity Scarf Cuddle® Kit Bellybands. Available in packages of 100 count, our bands are printed on durable, fiber rich paper. All the important Cuddle® details are clearly printed on the band, keeping your in-shop Infinity Scarf Cuddle® Kits neat, tidy and looking professional.

  • Fabric ID #: miscbellybandckis
  • Country of Origin: China

Infinity Scarf Cuddle® Kit
Bellybands (100 Count Pack)

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